What could the future hold?
Former tour guide of the Capitol Pauline Campbell pondered its resilience, posing that "from depression-era life, to the roaring 20's, progressive 60's, big movies of the 70s, modern movie technology[...] From silent to talkies..."
"Like a cat with 9 lives, The Capitol has survived as a triumph and a building of extraordinary beauty".
But still the question remains.
What's next for the Capitol?
In the 99 years the Capitol has been operating, never has it functioned more diversely than in 2023. Serving as a medium to deliver a "new era of education to students by day, and culture to the city by night".
It's a far cry from Melbourne's usual cinemas. It doesn't even function as a commercial enterprise. Is this uniqueness enough to guarantee the future for this cultural monolith, and its deep, personal histories?
With the Capitol not functioning as a for-profit cinema, viability is one of the more significant worries.
While RMIT supports it now, how long can this sustainably continue?
It is listed on the National Heritage registry, keeping it safe from destruction or significant remodeling. Architecturally, its legacy will remain, with the Griffins and their works being celebrated in museums and galleries nationwide.
But what about the community?
Each subject we spoke to held high praise for the strength and tenacity of the community the Capitol has spawned. With RMIT's partnership, its history becomes more widely known.
Students are regularly attending screenings, building new cherished experiences in budding communities. The unique experience of the Capitol, a combination of artistic splendor and cinematic entertainment, is being upheld not by the company who funds it, but by those who attend. While money has defined the Capitol's status, it is the dedication and will of its community that keeps it alive.
A community that grows every day.
We invite you to become a part of this community and experience the next chapter in one of the Capitol's many lives.